In digital media today we talked about staying safe on the internet. There are a few things you can do to protect yourself on the internet. You don’t give out personal information, close all pop ups, read the terms and conditions and verify your websites. When you are verifying a website you can use it tells you who is in charge of the website. Another way to verify the website is to see if there are three other websites that supports the information that they are telling you on the one that you found. When you receive pop ups you should close them for they could be viruses or they could be a scam. When a pop up is a scam it tells you that something if free and asks for your personal information or you bankcard number. What you could also do is if it tells you that it is free and there is fine print, read the fine print. It could be saying that it is free right now but then you will have 10 payments of however much and you are getting billed for something that you did not even know that you had to pay for. A website that is .gov or .mil or usually safe because they are government and military websites. A few websites that I would recommend using are national geographic, global news, government websites.