3 Humans, 2 Monkeys and 1 Gorilla


During digital media we were told to do a brain game. Mr. Khalili told us vocally the instructions of this game. First he told us that we had to try to get 3 humans, 2 monkeys and 1 gorilla all on the other side of the river in the end. There are things that we have to consider, we cannot have more apes on one side then there are humans or the human dies. To get them to the other side you have a boat that you can use but you can only have two characters on the boat at a time. The only characters that can row the boat are the humans and the gorilla.

The hardest par was trying to find all possible variables for each step. It was challenging when you had all these steps but you still need to tweak the answer. What I found worked the best was when we wrote down all of the steps that we did.

The solution that I found was the gorilla took a monkey and the gorilla came back. Then the gorilla took the other monkey across the gorilla came back. When the gorilla cam back two humans went across and one human and one monkey came back. The gorilla took the human across then when to the monkeys brought one over then went back to get the other monkey. Once you do that you will have all of the characters on one side of the river.

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