Clotaire Rapaille

Clotaire Rapaille researches the reptilian brain in context with advertising. “How can I decide this kind of behavior which is not a word? My theory is very simple: The reptilian always wins. I don’t care what you’re going to tell me intellectually. I don’t care. Give me the reptilian. Why? Because the reptilian always wins” In advertising they used to think too much. They asked people to tell them what they where thinking. I think that people told them what they were brought up to think. Instead of thinking with there own mind they think with the mind of society. When the advertising companies have there data they will try to code an advertisement to get into peoples minds and get them to want to buy these things that are on sale. The reptilian brain has a large effect on human persuasion.

I think that the strategy that he is using in this new form of advertising is pathos. Pathos is the appeal to emotion, which is also called pathetic or emotional appeals. I think that this is pathos because he is trying to attach advertisement to human emotion. He is accomplishing this using the reptilian brain.


The reptilian brain is that part of you brain that works with instincts. When advertising the reptilian part of the brain helps you create and emotional connection which may result in you wanting to buy the product. One example that Clotaire gives on the reptilian brain is about mothers. He states, “When a woman becomes a mother, the reptilian takes over.” He sais that when they become mothers there children are first and then their husbands are second. If you ask someone what they would do in this situation, they are going to give you a logical explanation. If you catch them in that situation Clotairs sais that the reptilian in them will immerse and you will see a different reaction to the same situation.


The reptilian brain influences the brain more than we may know. When people are asked what they think they give a logical answer instead of a realistic answer. I believe that the concept of Clotaire is based upon pathos. The reptilian brain influences peoples decision to either buy the product or to not. I think that in order to move onward and upward , advertising companies will need to invest in this new advancement. I think that if companies use it correctly then it could work out well for them.

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