Cyber Bullying

1. Who do you want to be online?

Online I would like to be a responsible person.

2. What is a digital footprint and how can you control yours?

A digital footprint is the traces you leave behind on the internet or what is on the internet because of you. You can control your digital footprint by either not putting anything up or very little.

3. What recent embarrassing story of a celebrity has developed online?

I don’t know for I do not follow celebrity news.

4. What are some strategies that you use to stay safe online?

What I do is to not except any friend requests online that I don’t know who the person is. If there is someone that I don’t know is trying to message me I block him or her. Put your privacy settings to only friends can see what I am posting.

5. Which categories of people are more vulnerable online and why?

The most vulnerable categories of people are ones who accept everyone as their friend online. Who are careless with who they accept friend requests from and what they put out there.

6. Are offline and online risks any different and why?

Offline and online risks are somewhat similar but it is mostly due to the fact that that when you are offline its happening in person, right in your face. When you are online everyone can see the hurtful things being put out there and if you are not on at the moment they an see it before you.


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